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January 14, 2009


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Mindy Harmon

My name is Mindy and I'm from Alabama. My favorite at the moment is Fire Mod Blooms. I love the vibrant contrast and boldness of it.


I love Earth Mod Flowers. What fun fabrics, I just discovered you!


All the fabrics are fun and bright but if I have to pick one it would be Kiki Floral or Petal Mod blooms or ?? :-)
Liz in Germany


Tough to pick just one fav but I love Mod Blooms. Seems to be a favorite with a lot of people! I really like the whole line...love the pinks, oranges and browns.


Cheryl Arkison

The Fire mod dots, for sure!


I like the Mod blooms pink on white! I'm from Tooele, UT, just around the mountain!

Carla Finley

I love the Kiwi Jester fabric. I'm from Florida. Off now to mention it on my blog. http://carlafinley.blogspot.com


Hi, my name is Lia and i'm from Israel.
I love this fabric but most I like the Andalucia Petal Mod Blooms but all of them are amazing...


I am new to quilting and can't get enough of it. Would love to have the fat quarters. I really really like the petal mod blooms. Appreciaten your generosity.


I love the Petal flora!! I think thats whait was called, but love them all! Hopefully I am not too late.

My blog: kandjallred.blogspot.com

Andie Smith

I didn't know which Wednesday you meant, so I thought I'd go ahead and give you my favorite of the Andalucia line. I like the Fire Mud Blooms. Its my fav! Thanks, Andie

c. adams

These are beautiful. I love the Earth Flora print.

c. adams from Maryland


hi. i'm rachel from american fork, utah.

difficult to choose a favorite, but i think it is earth mod blooms.

good luck to me and thanks to you.


I love so many of her prints but I especially love the earth mod blossoms.

Tamara from Alaska


I adore the line and have been dying to get my hands on it. I am also trying to quell my jealousy when I saw a picture of your GORGEOUS sewing space. Love your blog, love your shop. Obsessed.


Paprika Mod Dots is my favorite print.

This is making me excited for Valentines day. And quilting.


Rebecca C

Forgot to add I am from Oklahoma, can't see if I can delete my post :(

Rebecca C

I blogged about this giveaway: http://mommyhoodisthankless.blogspot.com/2009/01/giveaways-121.html

Rebecca C

I love Petal Flora! I like a ton of their fabric!

Christine Thomas

The pendant is very pretty. I like the Andalucia Earth Flora. Thanks for the giveaway.


I like the Petal Pink Mod Blooms and I am writing from Maryville TN where it is still cold but most of the snow is gone!
[email protected]


Forgot to tell you my faves -
I love the kiwi jester + fire jester + petal mod blooms. so very very cute.


HI miss Jill. I have entered your contest - w/ my fingers crossed. Do I ever win, nope. So with that being said....here's to hoping I do. I could really use a cute project right about now.
{Wishing myself luck!}


Of course I forgot to follow the instructions when I commented before, so let's try that again! I'm Joanna from NH, UT before that and NZ before that! I love this whole line, but I'm thinking if I could only have one piece of it, it would probably be one of the dots - the petal or the fire, as they are so versatile - you could use them in so many things!

Heather B.

I love your Valentine decor. If I had to choose I would say Petal Mod Blooms is my favorite.

Heather B.
in La Verkin, Ut


Ooooh I just discovered your blog and am excited that I've made it here in time for the giveaway! I'm off to have a good nosey around ;)


Ooops, forgot to say. I live in a wee village in Ontario, Canada. Blessings, Heather


I found your site through ComfortJoyDesigns and I'm thankful for that. Love the fabric line, hard to pick one, It's a toss up between the Earth Mod Blooms and the Petal Mod Blooms, oh and of course I love polka dots! lol! See? Your site is lovely, I'll be taking more time this afternoon to browse. Blessings, Heather

Joan Johnson

I have a link to your giveaway on my blog - upper right hand corner.

Joan Johnson

Hi! I'm Joan from southwestern Ohio, and love your blog! As a quilter, I loved every piece of fabric in your Etsy store, but if I have to pick one, it will be Earth mod blooms.

Shealynn Benner

ME ME ME!!! I want - pick MEEEEE! LOL!

Shari B.

My Favorite is also Andalucia Earth Mod Blooms! I love them so much!!!

Also, you can check out my digital scrapbook freebies at: doohikeydesigns.blogspot.com! :)

Love your fabrics, Love your Shop! :)

Linda Gerig

I kind of like the mod dots. I am from Michigan near Holland on the west coast on Lake Michigan. Linda Gerig

Laura Taylor

Hi Sandra's friend here again, thanks for the reply! I thoguht I would take another stab at some more entries and do a post on my other blog Check it out at: http://bbabies.blogspot.com/


OOh. Great giveaway! oh. i'm Samm from Australia :)

My favourite would have to be petal mod bloom. Tis gorgeous!


I like the Andalucia Petal Flora, but they are ALL beautiful in this line! This is a wonderful giveaway! Wow


Hi! I'm Jill from Rochester, NY and I have some issues with fabric. :) Love the Kiwi Floral! Such great colors!


My fave is Fire Mode Dots. You're so generous to do this. Thanks. January


Hi, I'm Teresa from southern California. My favorite from the Andalucia line is Earth Mod Blooms, but I really like all of them. Where'd you find that gorgeous wire dress form? I love it!


I'm Stephanie from a small town in Arkansas. I have not ever seen this line of fabric but will be checking it out...it looks fun. I'll post a link to this post on my blog...addiemaescloset.blogspot.com.


Hi - Kristy from Brooklyn NY. It's my first time visiting your site and it's great! I love all the patterns in the line, but if you're going to twist my arm I really like the earth flora :)


Loving the earth birdie damask. Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway!

Christy Croix

Hello from Texas! If I have to pick just one fabric.... I like the Earth Birdie Damask. Thanks!


i like the earth mod dots. I am in Maine. It is cold and snowy here and I have been dreaming of all things quilty lately. I am so happy to come across the chance to win some of this fabric cuz I have been oogling it for a while. the link to my post on my blog is this


What a great giveaway!

I love the Petal Mod Blooms.

I'll be posting a link on my blog ~ craftyblah.blogspot.com


petal mod blooms is my favorite...im from ohio :)

Beth Hinten

Hello from Delaware, Ohio! My sister Tiffany just introduced me to your blog and I think all your patterns are beautiful. My absolute favorite color in the world is red, so the Fire Mod Blooms get my vote! Love the pendant; thanks for the inspiration in my own jewelry making!

Kindershop Beatrix S.

it's Beatrix from fridget Michigan. My fav is the Fire Mod Blooms design.
Great giveaway. Love the pendant.


My name is Tiffany and I am from Maineville, OH. I was so excited to see your giveaway...the Andalucia line is amazing...I just love it! My favorite is the Andalucia Earth Moorish Tile...gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win. I put a link to this in my blog... http://apieceofpunkinpie.blogspot.com/


Hi Jane, I'm from Dronten, The Netherlands.
I love the fabric withe the petal mod blooms


Please enter me in your giveaway. My favorite Fire Mod dots. They are all wonderful though. I am from Gold Beach Oregon. I am not sure how to do the link thing since I am new to this but please put me on your list. :-)


I just love the Petal Jester fabric...the pink is wonderful this time of year!!

Thanks for the giveaway!!


The Earth Mod Dots is my favorite.


What a fun idea! My favorite is the Petal Jester. I'd love to get a cloth diaper made in that fabric!

Love your decorating too, btw!


Oh wow, what a fun giveaway! I think I like the petal mod blooms best. :)

Shari B.

Here is a link on my blog! Also, thanks for the quick order on Etsy! I got it in no time! :)


DoohikeyBaby and Doohikey


OHH, I love the petal jester, but they are all great. My DD would look so cute in shoes made with any of those fabrics!


It's so hard to choose when it comes to such lovely fabric, but I'm smitten with the Kiwi Flora.

Love the Valentine's Day decorations!


I'm Heather and I live in a small town nestled at the base of the Adirondack Mountains in New York and BRR it's cold up here! I love Patty's whole line but if I had to choose a current favorite it would be the Andalucia Fire Mod Dots... but I may change my mind!


I forgot to add the link....
blogged about the giveaway here:


I really like the entire line. If I had to pick a favorite it would be Paprika Mod Dots.

Thanks for the giveaway! I've blogged and linked about/to you!


I am from NJ and I love the Petal Floral!


I love them all, but Earth Flora is pretty. Love your blog. I linked to you, find it here: http://itsawonderful.blogspot.com/2009/01/stack-of-fat.html

Great giveaway, thanks!


Please visit my blog. I mentioned your give away. Thanks


All are really pretty, but my favorite is Earth Mod Bloom.


Hello! I found your blog through a listing on Etsy and am excited to have another blog to follow and fabric shop to order from! I live in Newcastle, Northern Ireland these days, though I'm originally from Indiana. Oh, and Earth Mod Blooms is my fav from the Andalucia line.


Love the Earth Mod Blooms pattern. I love green but the hint of pink in there is great!


I love the paprika mod dots! I am off to add a link to my blog about your giveaway!


what a fun giveaway! i love the jester prints in pink and green. they are so cute!!!


I love the Kiwi Flora! I would love to be entered in the Giveaway! Thanks! :-)



Hi this is Ramey from Utah! I am in love with the Pink and Kiwi Jester prints and also the Petal Mod Blooms. I might have to redo my baby's room in this!!!



My name is Silvia, I'm from Barcelona, Spain (my boyfriend is actually from Andalucia :-), and I found this wonderful giveaway through etsy! I love the colors in the Andalucia line, but my favorite print is, without a doubt, is "Fire Mod Dots". I just love the little leaves and flowers inside the dots, and the bright colors!

Thanks for holding this giveaway!! :-)

Jette Jørgensen

Hi Jane
I like Earth Birdie Damask . It is so grandiose.

Good luck with your shop.



I came over from A Rosy Outlook's blog. I look forward to checking out your shop.


Hi. I came over here from a link on thingsilove-marmee's blog. This is a beautiful line - I think the Fire moorish Tile is my favorite -- I have a thing for red-on-red.


Hello, I just found you via The Happy Turtle. I love folk birds, so the Fire Birdie Damask is definitely my favorite. I look forward to checking out your shop!


Hello, I just found you via The Happy Turtle. I love folk birds, so the Fire Birdie Damask is definitely my favorite. I look forward to checking out your shop!


Hello, I am Irene of The Happy Turtle blog, posting from Greece.
Thank you for the opportunity and the generous bundle itself!
My favorite print is Kiwi Flowery Stripe. It's not included in the bundle, but we can always add it, LOL!
Here is the link to my post:
Enjoy the valentine's.


Andalucia is such a gorgeous line!
My fave pattern is the Andalucia Earth Birdie Damask. The colors are so rich and beautiful, and the design is just fabulous.


Hi! I just love giveaways and your blog! :) My favorite design is Andalucia Petal Flora. Love how it reminds me of Valentine's and spring.

Thanks - Brandi in Oregon


Nice giveaway I like the mod bloom in pink. I have also linked you on my blog.


My favorite is the Earth Floral. Valentine's Day has always been a special day for me too! My grandfather's birthday was Valentine's Day so we ALWAYS celebrated. My dad would come home with something for the girls as well....im 34 and he still gets my sister and I something.


I absolutely love the Earth Mod Blooms fabric!!!
Thanks so much for giving us a chance to win some of this gorgeous fabric.
Good luck to all!

Jessica Ziel

I like the Mod Blooms with the white background. It is a fun line!


I think that your Valentine's decorations are very charming, and I love the Andalucia line, although I wasn't familiar with it before. I like the Andalucia Earth Moorish Tiles pattern best.


Earth Mod Blooms to die for!


Petal Mod Blooms...love the color!
Daniela, Irving TX


Just blogged about this GREAT giveaway :)

Amy Cook

I love the entire line, but particularly the petal mod blooms.


I really do like all of them, but I'll choose the pink Petal Mod Blooms as my fave!


I HEART polka fabrics and this is a sweet stash! Please count me in the give-away! I'm in California/USA.
I'm loving the polka dot and diamond patterned fabric on the Andalucia line! S-W-E-E-T!
I've also mentioned your give-away on my blog as well.


Hi, I've just added a link to your giveaway on my blog.
Narelle ~ Aus


Beautiful. I like the earth flora. I am from Pennsylvania.

Lisa from Nashville

I really like the earth mod tones and the kiwi flowery stripe. My mom and I both use these types of colors in our houses.

Gini Klingel

saw you fat qtrs on etsy. I just love the colors. Great for V day.

Hope hubby will loosen the purse strings so I can buy..


I haven't had the pleasure of playing with fabric from Andalucia but I'd love to, it looks just gorgeous.


Aw, what fun! I love the Kiwi Floral print, so fun!
Kandyce from Las Vegas, NV (for now)

Kara S

Hey! I'm Kara S from West Virginia. It's so hard to choose which fabric is my favorite, but I think I like the Earth Moorish Tile the best.


Your house looks crazy wonderful and I like it all. i post it on my blog.
EVA from germany

Joan Johnson

I've added a link to your Giveaway on my blog -- see upper right hand corner. I hated to do this because I don't want anyone else to enter! I LOVE this fabric! LOL

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