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November 23, 2010


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darling! I just made steno notepad covers (tute is on my blog) for my friends and teachers, but I just love this idea, too! Great job!


It looks like a key chain or a fob to attach a pen/thumb-drive. Very cute design!

Julie Fukuda

What a nifty gift! I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be delighted to get one!

Holly Elder

I think it is a key fob......all the organizers are really cool! Which one is the easiest to make????

Heather Thompson

A keychain!


For those who want to make a portfolio similar to the last 3 on this post, I referred to this one, with some modifications:


Wendy Peatross

It's a key fob. I've seen these and want to make some.


Seriously, I have no idea - a padlock? But I'm guessing the use might be for a key, or one of those usb memory stick things? Oh I don't know. These notebooks are so cute. Did you use the same tutorial as sew mama sew for the ones you made?

I think I may make them for the teachers on our list this year. Great idea!

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